Bartlesville Math and Science Night

Due to inclement weather, Bartlesville Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, February 13, 2025 with NO Distance Learning.
We expect to return to in-person classes on Friday and then will have previously scheduled Distance Learning on Monday, February 17.

Bartlesville Public Schools will be in Distance Learning on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 due to inclement weather. Please follow the procedures at BPSLEARN.COM.

177 of the yearbook staff’s 325 book supply have been sold. The staff will be selling yearbooks from now until the Yearbook Distribution Party in May for $50 while supplies last.
Nearly everyone in the school is pictured/mentioned at least twice in the yearbook, so don’t miss out on sharing memories with fellow classmates and loved ones. Buy your yearbook today! Side note: If 300 yearbooks are sold, Mr. Giles (the yearbook adviser) will temporarily dye his hair!
Order forms can be found in the office or outside Mr. Giles’ classroom (Room 205). You may buy yearbooks online at yearbookordercenter.com. Be sure to use code 25025 when making online purchases.
Questions? Email Mr. Giles at gilesgt@bps-ok.org.

It's a great time to be a Bruin! #bvillebruWIN

Pickleball club cancelled today due to weather.

The Madison Honor Society will be selling Valentine's grams at all lunches. It will start this Friday, the 7th until Wednesday, the 12th. Candy will be $2 each and flowers will be $1 each. All Valentine's days grams will be delivered to their 7th hour class on Valentine's day.

Madison will not be accepting Valentine deliveries.

Wednesday, February 5th, until 4:00 pm. Make sure to have a ride home. If you have not attended, but wish to sign up, see Mrs. Neill in room 218.

Pickleball Club will be meeting on Wednesday, February 5th after school from 3:00-4:15. Bring your pickleball equipment and meet on the map after school to catch the bus to Sooner Park. Contact Mr. Massey if you have any questions.

Attention 5th grade families! We are excited to invite you to Madison Middle School on Tuesday, February 4th from 6:00-7:15 for 5th grade parent night! During this time you will be able to meet our administration and receive valuable information about middle school as well as enrollment information!! Students will also be able to participate in a scavenger hunt to become more familiar with the building and meet some of the 6th grade teachers! We look forward to seeing you at Madison!

8th grade parents!!
Your student was given their High School enrollment form today to complete. These need to be turned into the main office by Monday afternoon. The High School counselors will meet with students on Tuesday, February 4th during their history class to complete enrollment. Please email Mrs. Hammond at hammondlg@bps-ok.org with any questions.

Congratulations to our Madison Teacher of the Year and Rising Star teacher! Thank you for everything you do for Madison and your students!

I Heart Madison
Feb 21st
7-9 pm
Skating, escape rooms, glow games, & food

District Science Fair

Young Scholars of Bartlesville is taking applications from current 6th through 9th graders at bartlesvillescholars.org
THIRD-PARTY NON-PROFIT DISCLAIMER: BPSD is not sponsoring, endorsing, or recommending this program.

2024/25 Elective Information- Moved to next week due to issue with Powerschool

5th Grade Fine Arts Day!

Bartlesville Public Schools will be in DISTANCE LEARNING on Friday, January 10, 2025. Please follow the procedures at BPSLEARN.COM.

We’re excited to invite all MMS students to our fun-filled Ag Club meeting on January 27th from 3:00 to 4:30 PM! We have an awesome egg drop challenge planned, plus delicious crispy chicken nuggets to munch on while we dive into the fascinating world of the poultry industry. Grab your friends and bring your best engineering skills—let’s see who will be crowned the egg drop champion! We can’t wait to see you there! Please contact an ag student or Mrs.Darsow if you have any questions.