Our students are writing thank-you notes to hang on their teachers' doors for Teacher Appreciation Week!

Last day to buy yearbooks is this Friday, May 3rd! Don't miss out!

MMS Awards Assembly Times. Guardians of students receiving awards received a letter in the mail.

Upcoming Madison Events

School wide math state testing will take place this Monday and Tuesday (April 29 and 30). Please have your student bring their Chromebook charged to school.

Bartlesville Public Schools is Now Hiring for the 2024-2025 School Year. Apply at 918-336-8600, or applitrack.com/bpsok/onlineapp. #bvillebruwin

Happy Administrative Professionals' Day to the ladies that keep our whole school running smoothly! We are so thankful for everything you do! Thank you Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Mayhew!

Color Guard auditions for the Bruin Brigade marching band
-May 11
-8:00 - 4:30 PM
-Open to all Bartlesville high school students currently in 7-11th grade
-Open to all genders
-No experience necessary
-Registration and Additional information & requirements can be found at bruinbrigade.org

The Bruins of the Year Celebration will be on Thursday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Doenges Stadium, recognizing the Classified & Sodexo Persons of the Year, Substitute of the Year, Rising Star Teacher, and Teacher of the Year, and more.

Junior High Tennis Tryouts

Due to a scheduling conflict, 6th grade's yearbook party will take place on Friday, May 10 during their lunch hour. 10 minutes will be added to their lunch. 7th and 8th grade will have their yearbook party as previously scheduled on Thursday, May 9 during their lunch period. To buy a yearbook online, click on the link here: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/

Softball tryouts are May 2nd and 3rd at the softball field. Please email mckinneykn@bps-ok.org with questions.

Madison families, please remind your students to bring their CHARGED Chromebook for State Testing on Thursday and Friday! As a reminder the State testing dates are:
Thursday, April 18 - ELA section 1
Friday, April 19- ELA section 2
Monday, April 22nd - Writing (8th grade only)
Monday April 29 - Math section 1
Tuesday, April 30- Math section 2
Thursday, May 2nd- Science section 1 (8th grade only)
Friday, May 3rd- Science section 2 (8th grade only)

Basketball Tryouts

Lady Bruin Basketball tryouts [April 30 + May 2] @ Old Phillips Gym - Grades 7th & 8th @ 5:30 p.m., 9 & 10th @ 6:40 p.m. #bvillebruwin

Make sure you have purchased your student's yearbook for the upcoming yearbook party! Order here: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/

Students you will be getting your Chromebook ready for state testing tomorrow during your science class. Please make sure to bring your charged Chromebook with you tomorrow!

Our Madison Buy One, Get One spring book fair is coming soon! Please use this link for more details and to sign up for an ewallet: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/madisonmiddleschool8