Professional Development


Mandatory State Training for 2024-2025

The state mandates various trainings in 2024-2025, some for all district staff and others only for targeted groups.

Do NOT use any old links you might have to prior-year trainings.


All Certified Staff

Special Education MANDT

  •  Building Positive Relational Skills  is included in the annual training for Special Education teachers and paraprofessionals, who take a paper-and-pencil test, but there is an optional online training available to others who can benefit from training on reducing workplace violence through positive behavioral supports


First Year in District Certified & Classified

First Year in District Certified

First Year in District Certified, Pre-Kindergarten through Third Grade

  • Autism

You will receive an email from Google Forms with your results for each training. So if you cannot remember if you did a training this academic year, search in Gmail for "Alcohol Google Forms" or "Bloodborne Google Forms" etc. and if you completed a training you should see an email from Google Forms that begins, "Thanks for filling out 2023-2024 X Training" with your results. Periodically ESC staff update Frontline Professional Growth to record completed trainings.

Voluntary HB 1775 Training

Teachers may voluntarily choose to work through this training on prohibitions in Oklahoma HB 1775 on requiring or making part of a course or using any instructional materials that include various race and sex discrimination concepts.

Frontline Professional Growth

The Professional Growth service from Frontline Education is how the district tracks and supports staff Professional Development, including:

  • Tracking the professional development points earned by staff members

  • Signing up for district workshops

  • Centralizing the evaluations and materials for district workshops

  • Providing access to a large library of video training resources to assist staff members with targeted professional development, including the new Professional Learning Focus requirement

Staff members set up accounts via email invitationsIf you need an invitation sent to you, contact Jennifer Turner at the ESC.

Frontline Professional Growth login

Frontline Professional Growth

Using Frontline's Professional Growth

There are also instructional videos posted in a "Frontline Training" Team Drive for Instructional Technology Assistants, Instructional Coaches, Department Chairs, Grade Level and Special Area Elementary Coordinators, and Middle School Building Coordinators who have instructor rights in the Professional Growth system.

Professional Development Records

In-district professional development is tracked through sign-in sheets at the workshop/training and is recorded in Frontline's Professional Growth system.

  • Out-of-district professional development after July 1, 2017 is tracked with Professional Growth. 

  • Before you can attend an out-of-district professional development activity, the activity must be approved by your building principal or your direct supervisor.

  • All purchase orders for registration, travel, lodging, per-diem, materials fees, miscellaneous fees, stipends and substitutes must be requested six weeks before the first day of the activity.  The BPSD Board must approve all Purchase Requests before a Purchase Order can be issued.  A Purchase Order must be in place before the first day of the activity.  Advanced planning for out-of district professional development activities is critical. You can access the Travel Forms online.

  • To receive professional development credit for an out-of-district professional development activity, AFTER THE ACTIVITY HAS BEEN COMPLETED you must:

    • Scan and upload a copy of your participation certificate or some other proof completion into Professional Growth. (If you lack the documentation, you’ll need to insert a comment in the form to that effect and your supervisor will know to work with you on obtaining confirmation.)

    • Complete and submit the online PDA Out of District Request Form in Frontline's Professional Growth. Click here for instructions on requesting Out-of-District credit.

Professional Development Requirements

Every five years, full-time teachers must acquire 75 hours of professional development.

  • Two hours per year of professional development have to be technology related. (You can document this yourself and have a principal sign-off.)

  • Part-time teachers have no defined amount of hours required, but must come to district professional development days.

  • If you are currently going through alternative certification, you need to verify with Kelli Bryant the amount of hours you must document; the amount varies for different teachers. Please contact her so that you aren’t blindsided by a requirement of 150 hours when it is too late.

TLE PL Focus

Residency Portfolio Template