Technology Training

Ashleigh Callahan

Ashleigh Callahan

Elementary Technology Integration Specialist who helps train elementary school teachers on the use of technology in the curricula.

Elementary Summer 2023 Technology Trainings

The following trainings are available for teachers of Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade:

Rachel Hough

Rachel Hough

Secondary Technology Integration Specialist who helps train middle and high school teachers on the use of technology in the curricula.

Secondary Summer 2023 Technology Trainings

The following trainings are available for teachers of grades 6-12:

Kelli Bryant

Kelli Bryant

Teacher Specialist for Teaching and Learning who handles state testing and curricular support.

Curricular Support

For help with using technology and integrating it with specific curricula, please contact your elementary grade level coordinator or secondary departmental chair or building coordinator.

Online Training

Promethean ActivInspire Training

Promethean ClassFlow Training