
Bartlesville Public Schools is hosting a Pre-K and Kindergarten Round-Up at each elementary school on February 27, 2024 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for parents or guardians who will be enrolling new students in Pre-K or Kindergarten in the fall. During the event, parents or guardians will have the opportunity to meet teachers and principals, learn about the enrollment process, hear about what a day in school looks like, and have the opportunity to enroll your student.

If you are not able to attend the Round-Up on February 27, you may also enroll your student online by going to, or in-person by signing up for an enrollment appointment here:

If a site has no appointments left, please call the site office to make arrangements.

If you are unsure about which school your child will attend, you can use the Bus Route Lookup link at Please contact Christie Young at the Education Service Center, 918-336-8600, if you need further assistance.

You will need the following documents to complete the new student enrollment process (Parents/guardians who are in the process of collecting the documents should still begin the enrollment process):

  1. A copy of the child's birth certificate.
  2. Current immunization records: Oklahoma State Law requires that all children entering school for the first time must show proof of the following vaccines: 4 DPT, 3 POLIO, 1 MMR, 3 Hepatitis B*, 2 Hepatitis A*, 1 Varicella (Chicken Pox), or a completed and signed exemption form
  3. Proof of residency in the legal guardian's name: A title to residential property, unexpired lease agreement, a receipt for payment of rent, or proof of utility payment.